
About Jasmine

My story begins with my childhood where I grew up, in a middle class suburban neighborhood in Western New York. My parents were both teachers and I was an academic misfit with a creative spirit. I’m not comfortable telling my story. It’s not a difficult story to tell, but I’ve just never felt comfortable being in the spotlight. I find it easy to procrastinate with most things & avoid stepping into my power. 

At least that’s what I used to tell myself. The truth is most people avoid what they fear. I feared my own power. I have learned to get out of my own way and step into my power. This is my story of transformation. I hope it inspires you to begin your own transformation and to discover your true self.

My family was multicultural. My father from the Middle East and my mother from a small town in Ohio. We travelled quite a bit and even lived overseas during some of my grade school years. Along with my academic successes and failures, I cultivated a strong interest in the visual arts and design. I studied textile design in College and have worked as a product designer in the home textile industry for 20+ years. 

I was first struck by the Mysticism Train when I was introduced to crystals and oracle cards by Colleen McCann of Style Rituals. I promptly read her book and happily jumped down the rabbit hole of crystals. Curiosity soon drove me to cautiously explore more of the mystical arts and I was introduced to Tarot and Oracle cards. I have always loved Astrology for the self-awareness and introspection it brought, so I was hooked!  At that time, it was like I was peering over the edge of the Great Blue Hole, not realizing just how deep it was.  So I kept researching & when I first heard about the Akashic Records I had so many questions!  I started reading anything I could find about them.

My Mysticism Train gained even more speed when I connected with Meena Zia, founder of Your Soul Warrior. She popped up in my Instagram after I serendipitously pulled a ‘warrior’ oracle card . Through individual and group coaching sessions and graduating from an intensive psychic + spiritual development course called  Guides On The Ground, I have been able release myself from behaviors, patterns, beliefs and the fears that held me back. 

Many people hit a point in their lives where they come to deep self-awareness and spiritually through some sort of life changing crisis. Not me, my journey was led through life changing curiosity. During this journey I have discovered so many gifts that I am now delighted to share with you. Together we will work with the energy body, the connection of mind, body and spirit through the Akashic Records.  Together we will discover the tools you need for deep, soul healing transformation.

I’ve worked to realize the transformation in myself and found the value in my story. Everyone has a story, it’s a matter of being able to find the value of your own.

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What I do


I work intuitively with your Spirit Guides to channel guidance specifically for you. The messages I channel are intended to help broaden your awareness and facilitate your journey if self discovery. It’s your own personal alchemy. It’s the transformation from searching for something in the dark, to finding your light from within. Together, we work to help you peel back the layers and shed what is holding you back.

The work that we do together is guided through pure love and joy. I am here to make this process approachable, fun and help you understand how loved you are. Your success is determined by you. Your investment and willingness to be open and do the work, will directly impact your growth.