Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are documentation of all events through the history of time. This is not a physical database, it’s an energetic frequency that anyone can access if properly trained and guided. Here’s the definition according to Wikipedia:
The Akashic records is a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. It is believed all thoughts, words, intent etc. generates its own unique "frequency or vibration" which is stored in the Akashic Records.
Does this mean you can see all of everything of all time. Past, present and future?
No, I am only given access to relevant information for what’s needed at the time. This means I channel the most important information that you need for our session.
Can you go into to the Akashic Records and spy on someone?
No, to access another person’s record, consent must be given so that means I can’t access anyone’s records unless I receive permission first.
How do you work with Charkas?
Chakras are the body’s energy centers and whether or not they are in balance, plays a huge part in how you experience things in your life. Working with your chakras to determine where there are imbalances is the first step, the second is to understand what’s causing the imbalance and if there is residual trauma from buried emotions in your current lifetime or past lifetimes.
What do you mean past lifetimes? I don’t believe in past lives or Spirit Guides.
That’s ok, the information I channel comes through regardless of your beliefs and you get to decide what resonates. You can take what serves you and leave the rest. The Past Lives that I channel, come forward as a way to help serve as an impartial observer to work through the healing process.
Do I need to meet with you before our session for a consult?
All I need is your permission to access your records and that’s it! If you have a physical ailment that you would like to dig into for a HEAL YOUR BODY Reading, that information is helpful but not necessary.