Inner Child Healing…

Inner Child Healing is something many of us take for granted. If your childhood was seemingly uneventful, then this might be something that you have ignored or not prioritized.

Here are some questions to consider if you are looking to understand how Inner Child Healing can benefit you. Even though your childhood was relatively uneventful, were you able to express your emotions freely and fully explore your child like curiosity?

Today as an adult, are you able to connect with your emotions and understand how to let them flow in a way that is healthy and unrestricted? Or, do you tend to invalidate them, ignore them or worse, experience shame when you feel something you don’t understand? Do you tell yourself to ‘get over’ things or disassociate with situations when conflict arises or tempers flare?

Ignoring, disassociating, and bypassing emotions are the things we do when we are not equipped to process emotions. We may have been raised with the understanding that emotions can be ‘messy’. We may hold a belief that emotional situations can ‘get out of control’. As a result, we do our best to avoid them, or ignore them out of an underlying sense of fear.

When we don’t allow ourselves to express our emotions, they don’t go away. The energy attached to those feelings gets lodged into our bodies and gets buried deep within our tissues. It’s this energy in our tissues that causes the damage and is the catalyst to disease.

When we speak of Inner Child, guess what…? It doesn’t have to be you are a child, it could be you… last week. Does that change your perspective on Inner Child Healing?

How can you tell if you need to bring Inner Child Healing into your practice? The simplest recommendation I can give you is to just ask them.

If you have never done it before, here are some tips:

  • Set the intention in your next meditation and simply imagine yourself as you're younger.

  • Ask where are they hurting and how can you support them today.

  • Give them space to express themselves may be all they need.

  • You may not hear or feel anything and it may take a little while or a few tries for them to feel safe enough to come to you. Given them time and see if any memories or emotions come up.

  • When you are able to connect with them, engage with the utmost empathy and love, they are hurting after all.

  • Ask them what they need and reassure them that they are safe, loved and whole.

After you are finished, notice how you feel after a day or two. Do you feel less triggered? Do you feel more resilient around the feelings that your inner child brought up? Do you feel more peaceful?

If you don’t notice much of a difference, know that energetic changes take time to make subtle changes in how you process your emotions. Your current emotional wellbeing has taken you a life time to get you where you are right now. When you are the path of healing, give your self time to undo all of the big and little traumas that you have experienced. Your Inner Child will thank you.

Need help? I am now offering my Cosmic Self Care Session which helps uncover and clear and heal Past Life and Inner Child Trauma.

I am wishing you and you Inner Child all the love in the world. .



“What make you so special?”