How to navigate taking care of yourself while living through a global crisis. Or just everyday…

In times of crisis, self-care may seem indulgent, but that’s when it’s more important that ever to take care of your own needs and energy. This is particularly true if you are in the business of supporting others.

If  my experience living through 9/11 while in NYC and the last few years of the Pandemic have taught me anything, it’s how important it is to manage my own wellbeing while staying present enough to support others. I have not done the best job of taking care of myself through out my life, but now I know what happens when I neglect myself. My energy depletes much faster, my mental health suffers and I have a hard time breaking out of cycles of lethargy. I default to food choices that are convenient and comforting vs nourishing and sustaining. My sleep suffers and I experience more than my fair share of brain fog. It’s not pretty and the result is emotional exhaustion.

I have found some failsafe tactics to help my honor needs while staying present. It’s allowed me to avoid being overwhelmed and remain strong for myself and others.

Here are my tips: 

  • Prioritize your health. Mental, emotion, physical and spiritual health. We have come a long way in understanding how to care for mental and physical health, but general understanding how emotional trauma effects our mental and physical health is much less widely known.

  • Compartmentalize your media intake to when you feel like you are strong enough to process it. YOU get to decide what and when you consume. Don’t let it be an all out assault and maintain your boundaries as to to not overwhelm your nervous system. Your empathy is a gift, don’t burn it out.

  • Connect with family or friends to maintain social connection. Connecting with others is essential as to not feel isolated.

  • Let yourself feel your emotions. Cry when you need to and as often you like.

  • It’s ok to feel grief, sadness, scared and anxious. Take a few moments to quietly remind yourself that you are safe. Bring yourself back to the present moment.

  • Find a way to contribute to a cause that is meaningful to you. Donate to an organization that will benefit victims of the crisis. Support locale businesses. No gesture is too small, it will help you feel connected to something bigger than you.

  • Don’t check your phone before you eat breakfast. For reals, center yourself then take on the world.

  • Be mindful of what you consume. Intentional consumption is everything right now… Food, media, music, entertainment… all of it. What you put in your body and mind right now will either nourish or poison you. The choice is yours. Everything is energy.

  • If you have trouble sleeping, disconnect from media also before bedtime. Epson salt baths before bed are a great way to disconnect and unwind.

  • It’s ok to be selfish and opt out of participating in your life for a moment or two to recharge. Just try not to disconnect too long otherwise you too, might get lost.

  • Check in with your body everyday. Move it to release any energy that is collecting and has the potential to become stagnant.

  • During times of stress, check in with your breath. Is your breathing shallow? If your breathing is very light and shallow, take a few minutes to breath deeply expanding your lungs as much as possible, through your mouth. Repeat for about five minutes to release and sadness or grief that may be collecting in your lungs.

The most important thing to keep in mind when it comes down to protecting your energy is understanding what you have control over. Recognize what is within your control and your impact and let go of the rest…

I hope this list provides a tip or two that you might find useful.


Why It’s important to give yourself the time and space for healing.